1) In part 4 of the PET speaking exam you and your partner will be required to speak to each other about the subject of the photographs in part 3.
2) It is important to understand that the examiner is very interested in how you communicate.
He doesn't want to see one student talking all the time.
So you need to learn how to exchange ideas, which requires questions like WHAT DO YOU THINK...or DO YOU AGREE.....or WHAT ABOUT .....
Then your partner needs to start his answer with phrases like YES, I SEE WHAT YOU MEAN... or YES, I THINK THAT...
3) Your answers should not be too short or too long.
A good way to get the size right is to follow your answer with a BECAUSE and then stop. Giving examples of what you mean is very important.
4) Don't spend too much time on any one point. Try to give your idea clearly and briefly and move on to the next idea.
5) Don't forget to come to a joint decision at the end, to conclude the conversation.
6) Don't speak too quickly in the exam. It is easier to make mistakes if you speak too quickly, and it is harder to understand someone when they speak too quickly. Finally, if you speak very quickly, you need more things to say, so it is better to practise speaking at a relaxed comfortable speed, and concentrate on pronouncing your words correctly.
4) You need to be aware of the time, so that you say just what you need to in the time allowed. If you say too much in the beginning, your time will finish and you will not be able to give a complete answer.
5) In every speaking exam, it is not only what you say that is being judged. The way you organise your ideas is also very important.