In this part of the exam, the candidate is given TWO IMAGES, and the focus of the exercise is to test the skills of ORGANISATION, DESCRIPTION, COMPARISON AND THE ABILITY TO EXPRESS OPINIONS and SPECULATE.
A basic shematic of the structure of the presentation is given here:
The main elements in this presentation will be discussed using an example image:
Here you have to choose 2 images from three, so look for elements that can be used to identify contrast:
Medical operation- team activity, indoors, mistake other life, many years training, high stress.
Rock climbing - individual, outdoors, mistake your life, fun and relaxing, teach yourself.
Elements needed:
Question - what is the significance of a mistake, how are they feeling?
What I see - description.
What I think - I think ... because.
Speculate - could be, maybe, possibly, if then.
Contrast - on the other hand, in contrast, whereas.
Developing the material:
What I can see:
In the first image I can see a team of people dressed in blue doing a medical procedure on a patient in a hospital.
I think this activity is highly stressful because you need to coordinate your actions within a team and a mistake can signify the death of the patient.
Note: as speculation is required, change I THINK IS to I THINK COULD BE.
I think this activity COULD BE highly stressful because you need to coordinate your actions within a team and IF a mistake were to be made, it could signify the death of the patient.
This activity is done indoors, so the people might feel very closed in and restricted.
This job requires highly trained professionals who have probably spent years training to do this work.
Considering the second image:
What I can see:
I can see a young girl on a sunny day wearing a green t-shirt and a blue helmet rockclimbing.
I think a mistake could have serious consequences where the climber risks their life, unless adequate protections are taken.
I imagine the climber is enjoying this activity because the weather is very nice and she seems relaxed.
A person doint this activity doesn't need to spend years training, and in fact the pleasure is in teaching yourself how to do it.
Putting all these elements together:
In the first image I can see a team of people dressed in blue doing a medical procedure on a patient in a hospital.
I think this activity COULD BE highly stressful because you need to coordinate your actions within a team and IF a mistake were to be made, it could signify the death of the patient.
In contrast, in the second image, I can see a young girl on a sunny day wearing a green tshirt and a blue helmet rockclimbing. I think a mistake could have serious consequences where the climber risks their life, unless adequate protections are taken.
The activity in the first image is done indoors, so the people might feel very closed in and restricted, whereas I imagine the climber in the second image is enjoying this activity because the weather is very nice and she seems relaxed.
This activity shown in the first image requires highly trained professionals who have probably spent years training to do this work, whereas a person doint the activity shown in the second image doesn't need to spend years training, and in fact the pleasure is in teaching yourself how to do it.
Identifying all the elements used:
Description - red, opinions - blue, speculation - green, contrast - purple, connection to question - underlined.
In the first image I can see a team of people dressed in blue doing a medical procedure on a patient in a hospital.
I think this activity COULD BE highly stressful because you need to coordinate your actions within a team and IF a mistake were to be made, it could signify the death of the patient.
In contrast, in the second image, I can see a young girl on a sunny day wearing a green tshirt and a blue helmet rockclimbing. I think a mistake could have serious consequences where the climber risks their life, unless adequate protections were to be taken.
The activity in the first image is done indoors, so the people might feel very closed in and restricted, whereas I imagine the climber in the second image might be enjoying this activity because the weather is very nice and she seems relaxed.
This activity shown in the first image requires highly trained professionals who have probably spent years training to do this work, whereas a person doing the activity shown in the second image may not need to spend years training, and in fact the pleasure is probably in teaching yourself how to do it.
Note: It is of crucial importance if you want a good mark, to connect everything you say with the question asked. Here the question is - consequence of mistake, people feeling. Each connection above has been underlined.