In this part of the exam, the candidate is given an image, and the focus of the exercise is to test the skill of DESCRIPTION, but we need to get some ideas clear:
There is always a person or people in the image.
There is always an activity happening.
The activity is either indoors or outdoors, so we could talk about the weather or what it's like inside.
Other than the main person or people in the picture, there will always be other things in the background.
So as our focus is describing an image, you should know how to identify where something is:
In the background, in the foreground, on the left of the image, on the right of the image.
When describing the person or people, you should know the names of their clothes:
Trousers, skirts, jumper, shoes, shirt.
You should know some words about the body:
Long blond hair, short curly brown hair, bald.
You will have to know a range of colours:
Red, brown, green, and a useful tip is to use ISH:
The girl is wearing a brownish jumper, which means a colour like brown but also like another colour.
You will need to know the words for activities:
Running, cooking, speaking, or serving.
Let's look at a typical exam question and apply some of these ideas:
An understanding of the basic parts of an image can be very helpful here.
This diagram should be useful:
The main elements in the description of an image are location within the image, colour, age, actions, weather, special vocabulary.
Let's use an example to develop these ideas:
Identifying the elements we wish to use:
orange t shirt, black shorts, dark greem trees in the background, white and red ball, blonde hair.
sunny day
very young boys, older parents in the background.
running with the ball, chasing the boy, watching, waiting.
special vocabulary:
putting all these elements together:
In this picture , In the foreground, we can see some very young boys playing rugby, and the boy on the left is wearing an orange T shirt and black shorts. He has short blonde hair, and is running with a white and red ball, while being chased by a group of boys, who also have short blonde hair. They are all wearing bluish T-shirts, and they are on the right of the image. It is a beautiful sunny day and there are some parents standing and watching the activities in the background, where there are lots of trees, like in a forest. There are also some orange cones to mark the pitch and there are some rugby posts in the background where the parents are standing and watching the little boys playing.
Notice that it is better to add adjectives to one sentence and make it longer than to make several sentences.
For example:
There is a small boy running. He is wearing an orange T shirt. He has short hair.
A better sentence would be:
There is a small buy with short hair, wearing an orange T shirt, running with a ball.
Even better:
There is a boy with short blond hair, wearing a short sleeved orange T shirt, who is playing rugby.
Note 1 - Using adjectives effectively will get you good marks in the exam, because that is what the examiners are looking for.
Note 2 - If you speak too quickly, you will make more mistakes and the examiner will have problems understanding you. Speaking at a steady speed, and pausing between ideas gets better marks.