In part 1 you have a conversation about your personal life.
You will definitely be asked to spell something, which could be your first name, your surname, the name of your school, your mother or father's name or the name of your best friend.
At this level you need to be able to spell correctly.
You will be asked one of three kinds of questions:
What do you think about ...
Do you like ...
if yes, why?
if no, why not?
You need to be able to say sentences like the following, accurately.
I think basketball is a very exciting sport because all my friends play it and we have a lot of fun.
I like listening to music because it helps me to relax and I like studying while listening to music.
I don't like history because it feels very boring and I prefer more interesting subjects.
Notice these example sentences are very flexible and they can easily be changed to talk about any subject:
I think basketball is a very exciting sport because all my friends play it and we have a lot of fun.
I think maths is very interesting because all my friends like maths and we study together.
I think learning English is very interesting because all my friends go to my English class and we have a lot of fun together.
When you are asked questions about yourself, your answers needs to be the correct size:
Don't give short answers.
Don't give very long answers.
The best answers have about 3 parts to them:
Do you like basketball?
I think basketball is good fun, but I prefer hockey, because all my friends play that.
What is you first name?
You could say: my first name is David.
or you could say: My first name is David, but my friends all call me Dave, which I prefer because it's shorter.
Why are longer answers better than short answers?
1 The examiners see that you are able to make good sentences.
2 There is a limited amount of time, and if you give short answers, the examiner can ask you more questions in that time, some of which might be difficult.
If your answers are longer, they take more time, and the examiner can't ask you as many questions.
You control how many questions you get asked.
If your answers are too long, the examiner will get irritated and stop you, so that is not a good idea.
Let's look at a typical set of questions:
Q1 What's your mother's name?
Q2 How do you spell it?
Q3 What's your favourite dish?
Q4 How often do you eat it?
Q1 What's your mother's name?
My mother's name is Maria, but we all call her Mar because it's shorter and I think she prefers it.
Q2 How do you spell it?
Maria is spelt M-A-R-I-A. (you can't make this longer)
Q3 What's your favourite dish?
(You could just say spaghetti, but there is a better answer)
I like many different dishes, but my favourite dish is spaghetti because I really like the sauce that goes with it.
Q4 How often do you eat it?
I only eat it once every week or two weeks, but I would prefer to each it more often because I really like it.
Notice: The word BECAUSE is used as often as possible, as is PREFER, and WOULD. These are very good words to use in the exam and they will help you get good marks. You should practise using them correctly. Also WOULD is pronounced the same as WOOD.