A conditional sentence has two parts, a part which explains a particular condition, and another part which explains the consequece of that condition.
The most common structure used to make a conditional sentence is to use IF:
There are many people in hospital due to smoking.(normal)
If people didn't smoke, there would be less of them in hospital.(conditional)
The positioning of the two parts of the sentence can be changed without affecting the meaning of the sentence:
If people didn't smoke, there would be less of them in hospital.(conditional)
There would be less people in hospital if they didn't smoke. (conditional)
Notice the position of the comma if the first part uses the IF, but if the IF clause goes at the end, no comma is used.
Conditional sentences can also be constructed without using IF:
You will pass IF you study.
You will pass PROVIDED THAT you study.
You will pass AS LONG AS you study.
You won't pass UNLESS you study.
Conditional sentences are used to explain a situation more precisely, and the examiners are interested in whether the student understands how to construct a conditional sentence.
The full subject of the CONDITIONAL is covered in the grammar section and here were are only looking at how to use these sentences in our writing.