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Common Punctuation Mistakes 5 - 8
7 The Semi Colon ( ; )
1 Introduction
8 The Apostrophe (')
9.1 Ellipses ( . . . ) and Suspension Points ( . . . )
4 The Question Mark (?)
2 The Full Stop (.)
3 The Comma (,)
Common Punctuation Mistakes 1 - 4
9.2 Inverted Commas, Single Quotaion Marks (' ') , and Double Quotation Marks ( " ")
5 The Exclamation Mark (!)
9 The Hyphen (-), The N Dash, and The M Dash ( – )
9.3 Brackets ( ) and Braces { }
6 The Colon (:)
9.4 The Slash ( / )
5 The Mistake:
I have six dog's.
The Correction:
I have six dogs.
The Reason:
Apostrophes are only used for missing letters and possessives, but never for plurals.
6 The Mistake:
Its not funny because that's it's bone.
It's not funny because that's its bone.
It's = it is, and its is the possessive.
7 The Mistake:
We have "the best prices".
We have the best prices.
Quotation marks should not be used if there is no quote.
8 The Mistake:
David said that "he wouldn't come today."
David said that he wouldn't come today.
Quotation marks should not be used for a paraphrased sentence.