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Common Punctuation Mistakes 1 - 4

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Common Punctuation Mistakes 1 - 4


1 The Mistake:

"Will you call me tomorrow"?

The Correction:

"Will you call me tomorrow?"

The Reason:

All punctuation must go inside the quotation marks.

2 The Mistake:

I went to the market, I needed some fruit.

The Corrections:

I went to the market; I needed some fruit.

I went to the market, because I needed some fruit.

The Reason:

Two independent clauses cannot be joined by only a comma. A semi colon is needed, or a comma and a conjunction.

3 The Mistake:

I was hungry so I ate a sandwich.

The Correction:

I was hungry, so I ate a sandwich.

The Reason:

When two independant clauses are joined, a comma and conjunction is needed.

4 The Mistake:

You're crazy!!!

The Correction:

You're crazy!

The Reason:

More than one exclamation mark should never be used.

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