You are given a piece of text with ten spaces.
You are also given a set of four words (A, B, C, and D) which correspond to each space.
You are required to choose the correct word for each space from the set of words given.
There are 3 ways of putting your chosen word into the correct location:
1- Type the word directly into the empty space. - or,
2 - Type the letter which corresponds to the chosen word into the empty space. - or,
3 - Click on the chosen word first and then click on the chosen empty space. The word will appear in the chosen empty space.
Once all the questions have been answered, click on the check button.
Correct answers will show in green, incorrect answers in red.
Your mark will be given as a percentage.
The pass mark for this exercise is 70% or over, and you need to be able to do this exercise in the exam in about 6 minutes.
(You have been given a timer.)
I don't agree ........WITH.......him.
10:00 min.
Prairie dogs (1) bark like dogs, because that's how they got their name, but the little guys are rodents, not canines. They can grow (2) to 15 inches long, and are related to the squirrel. Family is (3) important to prairie dogs, and their family groups can contain up to 26 individuals. They share food, groom each other, and even greet (4) another with nose-to-nose nuzzles. Prairie dog families live with hundreds (5) others in networks of tunnels dug below North America's grasslands. How are prairie dogs (6) to construct these rodent residences? The animals' sharp claws (7) them expert diggers. They (8) have excellent vision and hearing. This allows them to easily detect predators (9) as coyotes and snakes when above ground. (10) a prairie dog senses danger, it alerts others by barking. It even uses different barks for different enemies.
The Tribune
Your score is /, which represents % of correct answers.