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10:00 min.

Exotic Fruit

(A) The Banana

The banana is an edible fruit which is botanically a berry, and in some countries, bananas are used for cooking.The fruit is variable in size, colour and firmness, but is usually elongated and curved, with soft flesh. It is rich in starch, and covered with a rind which may be green, yellow, red, purple, or brown when ripe. The fruit grows in clusters hanging from the top of the plant. Banana plants are grown in at least 107 countries, primarily for their fruit, and to a lesser extent to make fiber, Q.8 banana wine and banana beer, and as ornamental plants. Bananas are an excellent source of vitamin B6 and though Q.7 many people think they have a very high potassium content, that is not the case.

(B) The Mango

The mango is a juicy stone fruit, which is native to South Asia, from where it has been distributed worldwide to become one of the most cultivated fruits in the tropics. Q.5 It is the national fruit of India, Pakistan, and the Philippines, and the national tree of Bangladesh. Over 400 varieties of mangoes are known, many of which ripen in summer, while some give a double crop. The fruit takes three to six months to ripen, and Q.9 it does not survive freezing and drying. Mangoes contain a variety of nutrients, but the only vitamine present in significant amounts is vitamine C.

(C) The Kiwi

The Kiwi is a fruit with an oval shape. It is green on the inside with small black seeds that can be eaten. The kiwi has furry brown skin which is edible, but is usually removed, and is relatively thin. The kiwi is native to South China. Q.10 The fruit was named in 1959 after the kiwi, a bird and the symbol of New Zealand. Q.6 Before that, its English name was Chinese gooseberry. The kiwi is extremely healthy and contains many vitamins and minerals. Kiwis are rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, and fiber. Q.2 Kiwis have more vitamin C than an equivalent amount of oranges.

(D) The Coconut

The coconut is actually a fruit and not a nut, and Q.1 its name comes from the Spanish word for head because it resembles a human head. Coconuts are known for their great versatility, as they are commonly used in cooking and frying, Q.4 as well as in soaps and cosmetics. The coconut also has cultural and Q.3 religious significance in certain societies, particularly in India, where it is used in Hindu rituals. Coconuts are distinct from other fruits because of the large quantity of water they contain, and when immature, they are harvested for their potable coconut water, which is a good source of Vitamin C, Riboflavin and Calcium, but is very high in Sodium.

The Tribune


1) Which fruit gets its name from a European language?

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D


2) Which fruit contains more vitamine C than an equivalent amount of another fruit?

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D


3) Which fruit is connected to a belief system?

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D


4) Which fruit can be used to make a cleaning product?

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D


5) Which fruit is the national fruit of several countries?

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D


6) Which fruit used to have a different name?

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D


7) Which fruit is mistakenly thought to be a good source of potassium?

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D


8) Which fruit is used in making alcoholic drinks?

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D


9) Which fruit is spoilt if frozen?

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D


10) Which fruit is associated with a bird?

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
