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3 PART 3 - 4


You are given a block of text which explains the theory of this concept.

Once you have read the theory, do the exercises given below to test how well you have understood the ideas.


How to do the Exercises:


You are given a set of words.

You are also given some sentences with input boxes, and you are required to use the words to complete the sentences correctly.


You can put your chosen word into the input box by first clicking on the word and then in the input box.


The word will appear in the input box.


If it is correct, it will go green, and if not, it will go red.

3 PART 3 - 4


1) In part 3 of the CAE speaking exam you and your partner will be required to speak to each other about a subject, presented in the form of a schematic.

This kind of question raises several questions:

Should each candidate speak about each image?

How much should each candidate say?

What should each candidate say?

What is the best way to organise the conversation?


2) The model answer generated here will answer these questions.

Looking at the question:WHAT SHOULD I SAY?

The student would normally start with an answer something like I think (OPINION 1).

Here it is important to appreciate that the work ot CAE level requires the student to be able to discuss contrasting ideas with the use appropriate linking words, as for example in writing ESSAYS.

For this reason, an answer with the structure I think (OPINION 1 ) linking word (CONTRASTING OPINION) would have more merit.


3) Looking at the question: HOW MUCH SHOULD I SAY?

Once you have considered what you want to say, your objective should be to express yourself as clearly and efficiently as possible.

Don't use ten words if you say what is needed in five.

Try to efficient.



It is important to realise that the examiners are judging your ability to communicate in English. This involves much more than just what you say. It involves how you organise your thoughts, how you present your ideas, how you interract with your partner and finally, your body language.

He doesn't want to see one student talking all the time. So you need to learn how to exchange ideas, which requires questions like


or DO YOU AGREE.....

or WHAT ABOUT .....

Then your partner needs to start his answer with phrases like YES, I SEE WHAT YOU MEAN...


Using these ideas, the following answer would be a good solution.

Student A: I think (OPINION 1) although (CONTRASTING OPINION). What do you think?

Student B: (COMMENT ON OPINION 1) linking word (OPINION 2) but (CONTRASTING OPINION TO OPINION 2). Do you see what I mean?


5) The advantage of this structure is that it has enabled both students to discuss all the subjects, It has shown good understanding of linking, which is an important subject and contrasting opinions have also been presented.

Such an answer would have more merit than just a basic (I THINK... WHAT DO YOU THINK?).


6) Another element to add to the conversation is an introduction and a conclusion.

This is done by the first speaker starting with a context sentence which works as the introduction.


7) The conclusion is created by both speakers talking about the general implications of the subject.

Time is the enemy here and to give an effective answer, and not be cut short, both speakers need to practise these conversations to get a good feeling of how much time they have.


8) These ideas will now be applied to the model answer given.

The structure we discussed was:

Context sentence.(1)

Student A: I think (OPINION 1) (2) although (3) (CONTRASTING OPINION) (4). What do you think? (5)

Student B: (COMMENT ON OPINION 1) (6) linking word (7) (OPINION 2) (2) but (3) (CONTRASTING OPINION TO OPINION 2) (4). Do you see what I mean?(5) general implication sentences. (8)

Read more

Prompt: CAR PARK?

  • CAR
  • HAVE
  • ?
  • A
  • DO
  • THEY
  • PARK


   Listen and repeat

Prompt: NAME SHOP?

  • OF
  • IS
  • ?
  • NAME
  • WHAT
  • THE
  • SHOP


   Listen and repeat

Cambridge English Exam preparation    

C2 Proficiency - Cambridge English: Proficiency

C1 Advanced - Cambridge English: Advanced

B2 First - Cambridge English: First

B1 Preliminary - Cambridge English: Preliminary

A2 Key - Cambridge English: Key

A2 Flyers - Cambridge English: Flyers (Yle)

A1 Movers - Cambridge English: Movers (Yle)

Pre A1 Starters - Cambridge English: Starters (Yle)

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