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You are given a piece of text with six spaces.

Six sentences have been removed from the text, corresponding to the spaces.

You are also given a set 7 sentences A, B, C, D, E, F and G  for each space.

You are required to put each given sentence into its correct space.


There are 2 ways of putting your chosen sentence into the correct location:
1 - Type the letter which corresponds to the chosen sentence into the empty space.
2 - Click on the chosen sentence first and then click on the chosen empty space. The sentence will appear in the chosen empty space.


Once all the questions have been answered, click on the check button.

Correct answers will appear in green, incorrect answers in red.

Your mark will be given as a percentage.


The pass mark for this exercise is 60% or over and you need to be able to do this exercise in the exam in about 10 minutes.

(Here a timer is given to help.)

10:00 min.

The Balkan War On Waste

The planet is facing two extremely serious problems, wars between communities and the amount of rubbish which people discard into the environment.



Q.1 Balkan countries once divided by war, nationalism and religion have been quietly uniting to confront a common foe - rubbish.

Let's do it represents a joint effort by Albanian and Kosovar activists, once bitter enemies, to jointly clear their border area and the polluted Lake Vermica.



Q.2 Slovenian and Romanian populations have also mobilised to clear illegal land fills, under the banner Ecologists without Borders .

The powerful message of these movements is that it bridges borders and breaks national barriers. When Bosnia had a clean up, Q.3 they had to talk to several regional administrations.



What was particularly surprising was the fact that the country had been a war zone just ten years ago.

Bosnia is one of several Balkan countries that now has annual clean up actions. In Albania, the issue has become so fashionable that events are now organised every six months.



Hopes are high, however, Q.4 that they will come on board very soon.

Q.5 The importance of civic movements is that they educate.



School students made up most of the 55,000 volunteers who helped clear an estimated 37,000 tonnes of rubbish from forests, rivers, mountains and beaches in Croatia four months ago. Q.6 Does that mean that all animosities are over? That's difficult to say.



There's no harm in hoping!

The Tribune


  • A This made it necessary for all the minorities to cooperate.
  • B So, when solutions appear for both these problems at the same time, that has to be good news.
  • C When people really put their hands in the dirt, they realise what they are dealing with.
  • D Any kind of rubbish can be collected.
  • E But, maybe collecting rubbish together can succeed where years of diplomacy failed.
  • F Sadly, one of the few Balkan countries not well represented in the clean up campaign is Serbia.
  • G The initiative doesn't stop there.